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Shirin Yoku has been a recognized healing method in Japan since the 1980s and has been proven to reduce stress hormones, among other things. A forestry scientist from Tokyo University, for example, has burn-out people carry felled trees and only eat and drink what the forest has to offer. Where Waldbaden is possible under guidance? In this hotels, for example:
Pure relaxation: In the middle of the Upper Bavarian nature near Garmisch-Partenkirchen, on a 130,000 square meter meadow between mountain flowers, trees and mountains, lies the wellness heaven "Das Kranzbach". Swimming in the outdoor pool, floating in the outdoor brine pool, yoga on a wooden platform in the forest. We recommend registering for the forest, tour with the medical director Dr. med. Christine Müller, who guides you through the "Kranzbach" forest and explains in detail the effect of the forest atmosphere on human health. Or book a walk with nature guide Franz Schropp to the most beautiful places in the area. Double room from approx. 165 Euro p. P., www.daskranzbach.de
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